Stretch Marks | Scar Revision
Laser Scar Correction
Service Description
Stretch marks (striae gravidarum) are a form of skin scarring often visible with a skin discolored hue and caused by the tearing of the dermis layer. This usually forms in many stages of a body’s transformation and is not age agnostic; more common as a result of rapid weight gain or weight loss, bodybuilding, pregnancy, but also due to hormonal associated changes during puberty or replacement therapy. These stretch marks are usually concentrated in areas such as the belly, breasts, buttocks, hips, thighs, lower back and arms. Scars with minimal raised textures and discoloring due to injuries, or for the treatment of post-suturing incisions. Both fall under the same combined laser procedures used in stretch mark refinements, determined by an in-person Fitzpatrick skin type evaluation. Aerolase, with a dual approach method, and various systems, is used to remove tissue along the incision, as a corrective healing process. Heat from the laser stimulates new collagen regeneration, overall improving the texture of the skin’s surface, this is typically done using the [Era]. The [Neo] and [Neo V] target pigments to cosmetically improve the appearance, both brown hyper-pigmentation and red vascular associated pigments. IPLand Nd Yag (1320nm, 1064nm and 532nm) is the most powerful system available. This Light 4V device can be configured in 5 frequencies to address skin rejuvenation and tightening, removal of vascular and pigmented lesions, managing acne, scars, and veins. _____ Benefits of This Service Skin Rejuvenation and Skin Tightening Cosmetic resurface; removal vascular and pigmented lesions Skin refinement, acne, scars and veins _____ How to Prepare For scar laser treatment to the face or body, It is recommended to refrain from using any retinoid or glycolic acid for 2 to 4 weeks prior to service. If you are prone to any cold sores, please contact your primary care physician in advance to prescribe prevention medication. _____ What to expect during your service Following your booking details, a video prep evaluation consultation will be reserved for you to discuss your expectations. _____ Post Care It is recommended to avoid cosmetic application within the first 24 hours of treatment. Limit sun exposure, as well as to wear a mild sunscreen for the first week following the service. After the first treatment, it is suggested to begin a moisturizing skin application regimen twice daily throughout the course of your remaining treatments.
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